Alternate Personalities And Trauma Based Mind Control: Satanic Illuminati Part 2

alternate personalitiesAlternate personalities or dissociative identities are born in order to manage certain behaviors, experiences and feelings. Each alter can function either independently of one another, or in conjunction with others. Alters can be unaware of the inside system of parts, or that it is even a part of a body. Many alters actually live outside of the body, having traveled to second heaven.

Each alter is created for a specific purpose. An alter can be created through ritual abuse trauma, but also through other childhood traumas. Getting lost, abuse, neglect, death of a loved one and other such traumas can be cause for enough dissociation for a new alternative personality to be born.

Each alter is created at different ages and stages of development of the person, lending to that alters mental age/stage of development. The purpose of ritual abuse is to create a complex inner system of parts that can be controlled and called out at will.

Each alter has its own set of beliefs about itself, the world, and God. It carries the memory of the trauma that is was born of, however some alters do block out that memory in order to do its job or assignment. Alters can be either male or female, animal, or even non living objects/inanimate objects. Alters may even believe they are dead and buried, ghosts, or even in hell. All this is done to keep this inner system as complex as possible, making it extremely difficult to discover and undo.

Each alter is assigned with different roles or assignments to do their part in keeping the complex inner system running. Some alters have the job of channeling the demonic, opening portals for human spirits, traveling to second heaven, doing astral rituals, worshiping false idols, etc, Self inflicted punishment and abuse is very common in a dissociative person. All these roles work in conjunction to keep the person in a constant state of disarray.

Alters are often charged with the role of doing witchcraft and participating in rituals. These rituals can be either physical or astral. The purpose of witchcraft is to cause harm to others, physical, mental or spiritual, manipulate or control others, and also to spy on and harass others. These alters perform these tasks outside of the conscious understanding of the person, and most likely the dissociative person has no idea that they have parts of them doing witchcraft or leaving their body.

Once alters are created, they are controlled by threats of imminent death, or through the seductive promises of power, fame, fortune, love and protection from harm. Usually the alters have no idea that they indeed have any other choice than to follow orders programmed in to them, because the programming takes place to either a very young mind or an alter brought forward that has the developmental age of a very young person.

Alters are programmed to come forward at a certain trigger. It can be a word, phrase, picture/image, song, name, etc. Popular songs, movies, etc of the time in which the programming takes place, are used. Classics that never fade from pop culture, as well as fairy tales and other such stories are also used. Popular examples are most classic Disney movies, all Star Wars movies, the Wizard of Oz, Alice in Wonderland, Hansel and Gretel, etc.

When an alter is triggered it runs the programming that was instilled within it. This could be to run the body and take it to rituals or other occult activities, or it could be to stay behind the scenes and control the feelings or the way the dissociative person experiences what is happening in the moment.

The complex inner system is set up to appear perfectly normal to the outside world so that the dissociative person can function as normally as possible. The alters appear to be just different facets of the personality. For one person they could switch from several different alters within a day, each one just seamlessly moving with the circumstances of life. A person can seem to just be moody, or have a bad temper, or become easily depressed or anxious. They could be more care free and innocent or childish, or maybe they can seem very reckless and irresponsible. We have come to see it as normal to be swayed with emotions and have larger than life personalities, so this behavior is easily accepted by others.

The basic purpose of creating this complex inner system is to control humans without them being aware. The devil wants to turn everyone away from Christ, to hate themselves, and to loose their Christ given identity. All this will work towards destroying the Church and the name of Jesus Christ. Ultimately the goal of Satan is to create a secret End Times army that of mind controlled alters that will turn rebel against the sovereignty and authority of God.

Behold, I am coming soon, bringing my recompense with me, to repay each one for what he has done.  I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.”

Revelation 22:12-13

While this may be the intention of Lucifer, he is never going to succeed. Ultimately his plan will be devastated, as Scripture has revealed to us that he is merely an impostor whose defeat is imminent. No matter what schemes the enemy has devised, they cannot compare to the awesome power of our God.

If you have fear in your heart, then look to the Lord Jesus Christ. Let Him be the author of your hope and your destiny here in this world. No matter the devils agenda, we still have the free will choice to turn our lives over to Him. He will wash away all of our fear and bring us into truth and freedom. Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life, and the only way to our eternity in heaven. The time we have here on this earth will be like a blink of an eye in the scope of eternity.

Until then we must continue to submit fully to God. We must be willing to surrender our will and our lives, no matter the cost, over to Him, day by day. Jesus is the only way to freedom. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom, so allow Jesus into all the innermost recesses of your heart and mind, so He can begin to bring healing and hope back to your life.

“Blessed are you, O Lord, the God of Israel our father, forever and ever.  Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is yours. Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and you are exalted as head above all.  Both riches and honor come from you, and you rule over all. In your hand are power and might, and in your hand it is to make great and to give strength to all.  And now we thank you, our God, and praise your glorious name.”

1 Chronicles 29:10-13


  1. terri jo

    Rock chick/sexy girl alter triggered by Led Zeppelin songs that tell of promiscuous women “doing the man wrong”. I was manipulated by that one for 24 yrs. Gave it all to Christ, and when it pops up its evil head, I surrender it again. Never going back! All glory to God, thank you Jesus

  2. Rev. Bobi Sanders

    Wow. I had never thought of this mental disorder as being demonic control. As explained it makes sense. I see a real need today for those who are able and willing to be used to drive out demons. Thanks for sharing.

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