Prayer To Lift Spiritual Oppression

This is a prayer to lift oppression that I use to help me when I am heavily oppressed. It will remove oppressing spirits and engage your free will in worship. It can be prayed as often as necessary.

I command every person, spirit, entity, and being whether natural or supernatural to leave my mind, body, soul, spirit, home, property, spouse, and children right now in Jesus’ name. I revoke all rights and permissions and access I have granted to (give the Holy Spirit a moment to bring any specific names to mind, please do not hesitate to name them no matter how strange or upsetting) to come into my body, mind, soul, spirit, spouse, or children in Jesus’ name. I break all covenants and vows I have with them in Jesus’ name, including all blood ties, soul ties, soul bonds, and trauma bonds in Jesus’ name. I cancel all contracts signed in my name with my blood or any other bodily fluid, whether by my own hand or by proxy in Jesus’ name. I cancel all curses or witchcraft that I have personally done or agreed to over myself or any other person in Jesus’ name.

I hereby give all authority over my body, mind, soul, spirit, home, property, children and spouse to the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, God Most High, who came in the flesh, was crucified on Calvary, rose again the third day, and is now seated at the right hand of God the Father and no other person or spirit in Jesus name. I worship you Lord Jesus Christ alone and will have no other gods before me. I am not a god/goddess and I repent for self-worship or idolization of self. I cancel every assignment I have against myself, including all assignments of self-protection in Jesus’ name. I give my life freely to you Jesus Christ as an offering to use me any way you choose. I pray that your will be done, your kingdom come, here as it is in heaven. In Jesus’ name amen.