What Is Witchcraft?

witchcraftWhen I was a teenager, I was absolutely fascinated with vampires and witches. I used to watch any shows I could about the subjects, such as Sabrina The Teenage Witch or Teen Witch, and I would devour whole book series, such as The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice. There was nothing more exciting and romantic than the prospect of falling in love with some hunky vampire and becoming one, or even better, wielding the power of witchcraft myself. These shows and books painted a picture that a teen girl could easily become enraptured with, especially one who desired to escape reality.

With the ideas of pop culture firmly planted in my head, I believed that witches were exactly what I saw in the movies: a woman who wore long black dresses, had long dark hair, and had a black cat and a broom. What else could a witch possibly be? Oh yes, she could also be young, beautiful, sexy, powerful, and have the ability to change reality to whatever she desired at the flick of her wrist. What girl doesn’t want that?? Yet I didn’t think it was something actually achievable in real life. Witches are just for stories and for fun, right? That is what I thought until I met two real live witches in person.

When I was about 18 I met a couple who were Wiccan at a cafe where I read poetry every Thursday. They did not fit the picture of your typical witch in my mind. The guy had red hair woven into short dreadlocks and dressed very colorfully. He was boisterous and energetic; not sullen and dark. The woman did wear a lot of dark colored long skirts, but she had platinum blonde hair, and was quiet and reserved; not sexy and powerful. I got caught up very quickly with this couple, and soon found out they came from a family of witches, their mother being the head of a large coven. None of them looked like the stereo typical witch, and I am quite certain that anyone who came in contact with them on a daily basis would have thought any of them were witches. So much for that idea!

For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Romans 1:21

As I formed a relationship with this couple, they began to first teach me about their viewpoints on god, then on what witchcraft was and why it was important to them. I got a very quick education about the basics of witchcraft from these two, and it had nothing to do with cauldrons, black cats, or pointy hats. What it did have to do with, was harnessing the power of your intent. A white witch, which is a witch that has intention for “the good of all” and never to harm, uses the power of the goddess and the gods to help elevate and execute this powerful intent that is being sent out into the universe. So a witch would say a spell or incantation, or do a ritual, and it would be focused on accomplishing a goal. The goal could be something as simple as getting that job you want, or it could be more complex, like trying to bring a lover to you. Either way, it must be done carefully, as a white witch must never cause harm. They believe very strongly in the “law of threefold” or whatever you do, comes back to you three times. So if you do something with ill intent, it will come back three times worse than what you sent. It is a lot like karma.

Since this couple were white witches, this is how I learned how to perform magic. After I parted ways with this couple, I began to practice solo, reading as many books as I could on witchcraft so I could learn more. I taught myself about the holy days (such as Samhain), about the different gods and goddesses and why they were important, about the purposes for altars and the tools used in rituals, and much more. I also taught myself about other religions, such as the Kabbalah (which is Jewish witchcraft) where I got my hands on a book that taught me to astral travel in a very powerful ritual. I didn’t stop there either. I also taught myself about other religions so I could learn how to channel energy, find enlightenment, and bring me to my higher self. As far as I was concerned, they were all very relevant to each other. As long as I focused on my love for my mother earth and not harming anyone or thing, I was good.

As time went on I got into a relationship with a man, who I taught everything I knew too. Together we practiced magic and did spells and rituals often. Before I knew it, we were crossing the line from white witchcraft into grey magic. Grey magic is in between white magic and black magic. Black magic, as you may know, is to cause harm to others, or as I thought at that time, totally evil. So grey magic is crossing the line into a grey place where you aren’t doing anything for the good of all, but you also aren’t doing anything to cause harm. For a white witch, it is a place you dare not go, because of that law of threefold. It was this short season in my practice that I found out why it was dangerous to cross that line. The spells, incantations and rituals we performed all backfired, and my husband (at that time) landed in jail, then left me for another woman, and didn’t see his children (including the one born at this time) for 6 months. It was about that time I laid some of my practices down for a break.

You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

John 8:44

It was not until I became a Christian that I began to learn the truth about what witchcraft really is. And that discovery was a journey in itself. Even as I came to Christ and told my testimony, I did not change the view of what witchcraft was. Over time I began to realize that there was no such thing as “white” or “black” magic. All magic was actually something that came from the devil. That does not infer that witches are evil, what it means is that the gods and goddesses they call upon for their power are actually demons in disguise. I know that witches that practice magic in the name of doing good do not believe they are actually harnessing the power of demons. If they thought that to be true, they would not do it. They do care about the earth and other people, but they have been lured into the same deception that I was: magic is good and gives you power and connects you with a higher power.

The truth is, that is what every human heart desires, because that is what we were created for. The problem is, is that witchcraft is a counterfeit for what God has made us for. He has made us to connected to His goodness, and have His power (the Holy Spirit) and be one with Him. Yet people get lost in this world of lies and illusions and get trapped into choosing a counterfeit. Often times they make these choices because magic was handed to them as an alternative to pain. They have believed the lie that God does not exist, and if He does, He is cruel and unjust. And who can live in a world where that is true? So they make the reality of a world that is much brighter in comparison to that, just as Adam and Eve did in the Garden of Eden. The only difference is Adam and Eve discovered they traded the truth for a lie much faster than many of us ever do.

Satan has many counterfeits in this world, and witchcraft is the counterfeit of praying to God. With prayers, you are using your emotion and intent and the Holy Spirit carries them to the throne room of God. It is the will of God that carries out these prayers. With witchcraft, you are using your emotion and intent, and the demonic inside of you (or that you are attached to), uses it to carry it out for you. Witches use their spells, incantations, rituals, etc. sort of like a prayer, except they are sending it to the gods or goddesses of their choice. Often times they invoke more than one god each time. They ask the gods and goddess to help them with things in life, just like we pray and ask God for help. They light candles and burn incense to conjure their gods and goddesses, just like we sometimes do in church in honor of God. Yet when you open a door to witchcraft, you are opening up a door to the devil himself.

I had no idea during the season of my life that I did witchcraft that it had anything to do with evil. I did not even believe in the devil! You do not have to believe in the devil for him to be real. All you have to do is invite him in by doing witchcraft. Witchcraft comes in many other disguises than the ones I have described white witches as doing. Witchcraft is deeply rooted in our society, and has been since ancient times. If you look at the Old Testament, you can see how prevalent witchcraft was then. They sought out fortune tellers to tell them the future and necromancers to talk to their dead. They sacrificed their children to the god Molech (the god of human sacrifice). They tried to use divination to tell their own future or sorcery to protect themselves. These are all things done in witchcraft today. Nothing has changed. The only difference between now and then is, at that time it was all done out in the open, and now the devil has gotten good at hiding these things in plain sight.

When you enter the land the Lord your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there.  Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead.  Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord; because of these same detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you.

Deuteronomy 18:9-12

Witchcraft is always disguised as something that is good, helpful, positive, uplifting, etc. Some examples are yoga, reflexology, acupuncture,  and channeling energy (meditation). These all look like healing practices but are based on channeling demonic energy into your body. Other examples are witchcraft hidden in games or movies, such as Harry Potter, Frozen, World of Warcraft, Dungeons and Dragons, Ouija Boards, Charlie Charlie, Game of Thrones, Magic the Gathering, Yu Gi Oh. I could go on and on and I haven’t even mentioned video games. Movies and games about witchcraft or witches are actually bringing witchcraft into your life. They look innocent, but they are dangerous. Witchcraft always makes big promises and always takes something from you in return. You may be promised, fun, enlightenment, healthy, wealth or even power, but you always pay a price to get it. It looks innocent, yet has the power to actually bring the devil into your body.

Witchcraft is not a simple thing, although I am trying my best to make it understandable to everybody, because I feel it is important to become aware of it’s reality in our everyday lives. When you practice witchcraft of any kind, including any I have listed here, or in other blog posts, then you are now open to practicing witchcraft. It is as easy as taking a yoga class, and channeling the kundalini spirit. You cannot separate yoga from it’s spiritual root. The practice of yoga is channeling energy of the Hindu gods through your body through movement and meditation. It does not matter whether you know you are doing it or not. You can actually do witchcraft and have no conscious recognition of doing so. Once you have opened up your body and soul to the demonic spirit of yoga, then it is in you. You invited it in. Now that intent and strong emotion can be harnessed with the power of that demonic spirit in you to send it to other people around you. All it takes is getting angry at someone and thinking bad thoughts about them, and that demon has your intentions and it’s power to attack that person. That is witchcraft. It is really that easy.

So if you have done anything that is witchcraft, you have a high probability that you have invited a demonic spirit inside of you. That is how you open the gate or door inside of you to demons  It is possible that some leave and don’t come back, but the fact is, they want to have that right to be inside of you. That is how they wreak havoc in your life, and the lives of those around you. Yes, you really can watch a show such as the Game of Thrones and be inviting demons into your home. They are spirits, and can use any mode of energy to transport themselves they like. That means electromagnetic waves and sound waves are carriers and conductors that they can use. So when you are watching a move/tv show/video game, there is their open portal in.

The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.

1 Timothy 4:1

powerofgodI am not telling you any of this to scare you. As a matter of fact, I do not think you should be scared. Fear is not of God, it is of the devil. God tells us to trust in Him implicitly, because He has the whole universe in the palm of His hand. The devil is a created being and limited in power, therefore he is just trying to do what he can to make up for the fact that he is so limited. Using these techniques is underhanded and deceitful, because that is all he has to work with. If anything learning these truths should inspire you! You were created to have a relationship for Jesus Christ, and to walk in the power and authority that He bestowed upon you. So if you have been unwittingly been participating in witchcraft, then it is time to get back to your roots. Jesus tells us He is the vine in which we are to be fed, yet we have been plugged in to alternative power sources. We need to wake up so we can pick up our swords and fight. There is a battle going on around us, every single day. We can either learn how to fight in it, or we can just sit in the midst of it and let it toss us around until we die. Either way, there is still going to be a battle.

Trust and faith in Jesus Christ is the only way we are going to accomplish anything in this life. If we want to do great works for the Kingdom, then surrender yourself to God. If you want to experience freedom from pain and oppression in your life, surrender to Jesus Christ. If you want to grow and learn more about God and the Bible, surrender and let God do the work that needs to be done. We are incomplete when we come to Christ, because it is only His work in us that brings us to completion. It may take a lifetime to get there, but the reality is, many will never get there in this life, because they have already given up the fight. We need to never give up the fight, because God certainly has not given up on us. He could have given up, but God was willing to go to extreme lengths to bring us into a right relationship with Him. What Jesus has done did not end for you because you believed in Him. No, that was only the beginning. God has amazing and wonderful things, beyond what you dare dream, in store for you in this world, right now! Just trust Him! Believe that He has planned a good work in you that He will be faithful to complete! Then keep running the race with perseverance. The devil can take you down, and he can scare you into quitting, but he can’t take you out, unless you allow him too. The best thing to do is get on your knees, brothers and sisters, and lift your eyes to your Father, who is waiting for you to surrender all of your heart to Him. Then just wait and see where He will take you!

Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon. And the dragon and his angels fought back, but he was defeated, and there was no longer any place for them in heaven. And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.

Revelation 12:7-9


  1. Jennifer Gentle

    THANK YOU for sharing your testimony and educating others abt the subtlety of witchcraft. I am a sister to you in Christ ?. I have contemplated yoga, but have been leary because of the Hindu roots. I had even thought abt focusing on a Bible verse instead of the things an instructor would say to focus on, but I’ve decided not to subject myself to that because of your explanation. The Lord is using your past for His glory and I am thankful for you ☺️

  2. Gail Aberman

    Thank you for your blogs. Thank God for your testimony and the godly wisdom you have gained. The church needs to understand the truth about witchcraft. Many churches are infiltrated by witches , satanists etc. There needs to be much prayer that those in the occult may be saved ,delivered and set free. We need to do effective spiritual warfare and intercession. God bless you as you serve the only true and living God. My prayers are for you! In the love of Jesus Christ!?

  3. Caroline

    A fascinating post! You are right about acupuncture – I had a session many years ago (referred by my GP) and I screamed when the practitioner inserted the first needle in my back (it was supposed to relieve pain but it did the exact opposite) and I shouted “take it out”! The practitioner was shocked at my reaction and said she had never seen this happen before. Some years later a priest told me that I had felt pain and reacted in this way because I am spiritually sensitive – that makes sense (acupuncture is bad spiritually).

  4. Ricky H

    I have an honest question especially because of your past experience.. I sort of dabbled in different types of spiritualism before I was a Christian as well but at the moment I was looking at doing hatha yoga for its physical benefits as a beginner..

    My question is: Wouldn’t doing something like hatha yoga be the same as eating food offered to idols? Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 8 that since idols stand for something that do not actually exist.. that someone who knows the truth and is in good conscience can eat this food without sin..

    He does continue to say though that if you’re not careful that you can lead someone with a weak conscience to sin in this way. What do you think of 1 corinthians 8:1-13? Do you think that it can apply to the practices of Yoga (Hatha, Ashtanga, etc.) as a workout? (Not including the obvious Kundalini yoga which is “spiritual”).

        1. Ricky H

          I’m a part-time time athlete and need some sort of stretching routine for flexibility.. so I am just curious because all I can SEE physically at these “hatha yoga” events are people just physically stretching muscles.. no chanting, no “prayers”, etc.

          I’ll just stick to my own personally made stretches.. The issue seems to be anything LABELED as “yoga”. If I decide to stretch my body in a certain way before or after a run and that stretch is coincidentally used by yoga practitioners.. that move cannot be restricted by God is my thought, at the moment.. especially since I am just moving my body, something that God designed it to do.

          I’m young in my Christian walk and I’m trying to purge as much sin from my life as possible.. My next “investigation/study”, is regarding Christmas and what some people say are its demonic origins. Thank you for your comment.

          1. NANCY


          2. The Other Side of Darkness

            The problem is not yoga, but each of our connections with darkness that we refuse to see. Instead of focusing on what we’re doing wrong or what is evil, we need to focus on continually surrendering to the Lord, giving Him all of our hearts. Each of us has strong holds inside that we need to be able to see and invite Jesus in, so He can break them. It is about partnership with God. It is about intimacy with Jesus. It is the only way we are going to find freedom. If we truly want freedom we do need to be aware of the traps of the devil, but first and foremost, we need to connect with Jesus in new and deeper ways so we can have new and deeper revelations of His Spirit. If we want to be who God has created us to be, and live out the call He has put on our lives, partnership with God has to come first.

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