How The Spiritual Realm Affects Our Physical Being

spiritual realmWhen I first became a Christian I had no idea that there was a “spiritual realm”. I had some beliefs that there was “more out there than what we can see”, but I didn’t attribute it to a spiritual realm. I didn’t believe in coincidence, but that everything happened for a reason. I also believed that we were all connected by one “higher power”, and that everything was affected by it, I just didn’t want to attribute any of it with God.

It was not until I had been a Christian for about a year or so I started having strange encounters that led me to realize that the “more than we can see” was indeed connected to spiritual things that the average person has no understanding of.

During this time I began to realize I had the gift of discerning spirits and could see and sense the presence of demons. Not only around me, but in other people. As I grew in my relationship with God I began to realize I could also see deeper things that affected people’s hearts. At first I was really not sure what I was seeing. When God gives you visions, they are often hard to understand when you do not know what is happening.

That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

John 3:6 

The more I learned about the spiritual realm and the spiritual nature of man, the more I realized that indeed we are surrounded by a spiritual realm, teeming with many types of spirits. A perfect example of that is seen in 2 Kings 6, where the prophet Elisha awoke to an army surrounding him. While his servant was fearful, Elisha saw in the spiritual realm around them that there was an even greater army there to protect them.

It is very hard for us to see the spiritual side of life. Most of us do not see the spiritual realm, and when we do, we tend to explain it away with “rational” and “logical” thinking. Spiritual matters tend to lead people to think that maybe your just seeing things or are going crazy, because we have been trained for thousands of years to believe that anything of a spiritual nature is simply superstition.

It all started in 4th Century B.C. with Hippocrates, the Father Of Medicine. Hippocrates was the first to teach that symptoms of disease is not a spiritual process, but a natural reaction of the body. He used scientific data and experiments to prove his points, leading a revolution in the medical sciences that turned everything away from the supernatural.

Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons

1 Timothy 4:1

Indeed the body does react with symptoms to disease, but this in no way removes our spiritual being. Before these revelations of Hippocrates, it was common belief that everything had a spiritual or supernatural cause or root to it. Since the beginning of man, people have relied heavily on the understanding that we are not alone in this world, but surrounded by a spiritual world influenced by God or “gods”.

We can look to the Bible to see this example shown over and over again, as the Israelites always had close encounters with the Living God. The surrounding cultures did not believe in the God of Abraham, but instead worship and made sacrifices to many other gods. The entire Bible is filled with spiritual situations and encounters with God, angels and other heavenly creatures, Lucifer and his demons.

Ancient people have always believed the world has been run or controlled by God or “gods”. They have lived in fear and have constantly strived to please God or the gods, building temples, statues, and even sacrificing children. They believed that every single occurrence, whether it be good or bad, was a direct cause or effect of spiritual beings. Witchcraft, spells, magic objects and talismans, etc. were a normal part of daily life.

It is understandable that Hippocrates wanted to bring freedom to people, from the fear of being under the thumb of spiritual beings. However, by teaching that disease and other physical illnesses are not spiritual, he has actually brought more bondage upon mankind. Without understanding the true spiritual roots of the physical aspects of our lives, we are missing vital information that can lead to healing.

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

 2 Corinthians 12:9-10

I have seen first hand how spiritual attack and witchcraft can cause me physical pain and illness. I have even devised a list of the physical and even emotional effects that witchcraft can have on us. I have seen my own children writhing in pain because of a spiritual attack coming against me for the work I do in this ministry. I have also seen how praying against witchcraft, human spirits, and assignments of covens against me can stop that pain dead in its tracks.

The spiritual realm is a very real place, and we cannot escape it. We are a spirit and when we die, it is our spirit that returns to heaven. God Himself is spirit, and so are all of the angels, demons and Nephilim. Lucifer would love more than anything that we remain ignorant of the work he is doing right under our noses. He has his hand in this world. As long as we continue to believe a centuries old teaching from a man who pledged his Hippocratic Oath to the healing gods and goddesses, then we are going to continue to desperately search for answers on why we are sick.

Here is my personal testimony on how I suffered with physical illness for a year and got relief once I discovered the spiritual roots of my problems. I am not by any means stating that everything in the physical realm is purely result of spiritual manifestations, but that everything has a spiritual and a physical aspect to it that cannot be separated.

Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own

1 Corinthians 6:19

We must always be careful to integrate all aspects of our being when we are searching for the root of problems. This means understanding that physical, spiritual, and emotional/mental aspects must all be considered and looked into before a treatment or diagnosis are made. I always look to the spiritual side of every situation I encounter, and it has never led me astray. As a matter of fact, by including the spiritual in my examination of life’s problems, I have come to deeper levels healing and understanding.

Our Father is a good father and a good God. He is not out to hurt or harm us in any way. He never plans for evil, but He always plans to bring good out of every situation we face. When we start to trust in Him and what He wants to show us about things happening in our lives and bodies, we can start to see how deeply that goodness can flow. We must not be the ones who determine the outcome, but who instead submit the outcome to Him, trusting in His processes.

The devil wants us to be afraid of spiritual things. He wants the spiritual realm to seem scary, and full of demons at every corner. However, for every one of his demons, there are three times as many angels serving and protecting us. Our God is bigger and stronger than all the lies of the devil, and he cannot overcome us when we submit to Jesus Christ. Do not fall prey to a false reality where the spiritual is just a speck we can wipe away, but allow Jesus Christ to be the one who defines what you have believed.

 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28






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